
The Premium Global XML Search Network, RTB and Display advertising firm.

Global Adnetwork

About Clickmi

Welcome to Clickmi, your premier destination for innovative and effective digital advertising solutions.

Our platform is equipped with robust analytics, allowing you to track and measure the success of your campaigns in real time.

At Clickmi, we are dedicated to transforming the way brands connect with their audience through cutting-edge technology, strategic insights, and creative excellence.

We have wide section of pricing models to suit your advertising strategies
Avdertiser Signup
Start monetizing your traffic today through targeted advertising.
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Clickmi More Than Just Impressions

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Contact us today to discuss your

Advertising or Publishing goals

Global Adnetwork

Video Ads, Open RTB, XML Search, Pop Ads, Smart Links

Self-Serve Power: Take control with our user-friendly platform. Choose your ad placements, target audience, and budget with ease.

Maximizing Reach: We boast a vast network of publishers, ensuring your ads reach millions of potential customers daily.

Display Advertising: Enhance your brand’s presence with visually compelling display ads. We offer a variety of formats and placements to ensure your message stands out.

Native Advertising: Integrate your ads seamlessly into the user experience with our native advertising options. Our native ads are designed to be non-disruptive while still delivering high impact.

Video Advertising: Harness the power of video to captivate your audience. Our video ad solutions are optimized for maximum engagement and reach across various digital platforms.

We have wide section of pricing models to suit your advertising strategies
Avdertiser Signup
Start monetizing your traffic today through targeted advertising.
Publisher Signup


Our ads are incredibly effective, spanning various formats such as search, interstitial, smartlink, display, and pop.

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Navi Mumbai, India - 400705
